Why TVB?

I had a conversation with an author I greatly admire recently, Nir Eyal, and he urged me to start a newsletter. Challenge accepted! As you know, my book The Vagina Business is coming out in September and I’d like to amplify the conversation around women’s health innovation.

My plan is to send a newsletter every 2 weeks or so. You may know that I have a 5-month-old baby boy, so it’ll be short and sweet. What I’ll do is I’ll focus on: 1 story, 1 study and 1 quote.

(I’m calling it TVB, because spelling out The Vagina Business is more likely to land the newsletter in your spam folder.)

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A short newsletter on women's health and innovation #femtech


Marina Gerner is an award-winning journalist and an Adjunct Professor at the NYU Stern School of Business