Dear friends,
Thank you to everybody who came to celebrate the Book Launch of The Vagina Business in London! After years of research and reporting, interviewing, drafting, fact-chasing, footnoting and much more, this day has lived up to my dreams.
The room was full of brilliant people, who are passionate about women’s health. Thank you so much for all of your support! I’ll be posting photos and videos of the evening on Instagram over the next days (weeks? months! probably forever)
Many people ask me how to support the book. In addition to buying it, here are 3 things you can do:
1) Post about it on social media, spread the word.
2) Write a review on Amazon—this is hugely important. Turns out even if you haven’t bought the book on Amazon, you can write a review! If the book gets 100+ reviews, then the algorithm kicks in to recommend it to others.
3) Write a review on Goodreads. If you’ve only read one chapter so far, you can always comment on that chapter, saying something like “I enjoyed topic X because…”

Because of people’s squeamishness about the word vagina, it’s less likely that you’ll see the book in shop windows or on front tables. But if you find yourself at a bookshop, feel free to ask: where’s The Vagina Business? Perhaps a sense of customer demand will shift their thinking.
Up next, you can catch me speaking at The Gilded Acorn on Sept 18th. (I see the wine ticket option has already sold out, but the book ticket option is still available, ha!)
The book is already getting some attention on The Independent’s list of “best books to read” and with this phenomenal Kirkus Review!
The US edition, German edition and audiobook of The Vagina Business are launching on Tuesday, Sept 17th! Thank you for all of your support, I so appreciate it.
Lots of love,